Monday, July 26, 2010

Citizens assemble, Julia is confused

So, a year long chat about climate change? I am sorry Julia - WTF??? I thought Tony was the sceptic. 

What exactly are you hoping the citizens can tell you? The experts have given you the facts, the people of Australia have told you they want action, the global community kinda sorta tried to tell the world, Scandavia and parts of Europe have been creating positive change for years now, your old boss told you this was 'the greatest moral challenge of our times'. But you reckon door knocking from Broome to Ballina to Bendigo will sort things out?! I'm sorry, won't that add a few more planes, hire cars, phone calls to the tally... and that'll be another year, plus the nine months or so give birth to another long report of in-action. All that when you said through your sparkly eyes last night that 'you believed in climate change'...??

Not that I buy the idea at all. But just incase others do, let's reflect on the last year long consultation your Government embarked on. ummm.... that's right, you asked Australians to comment on how they felt about human rights protection - Australia asked for a Human Rights Act -  your Govt said nope sorry, but thanks for that nice little idea. 

let's tell Julia how it's going to be.
Greens in the Senate and she'll have no choice!

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