When did "sex scandal" become the term for "rape"?
Not since Skase and Bond has white collar crime hit the papers and caused so much public kerfuffle. One paper told me today this was "league's darkest hour". I'm sorry, some crap accounting was done, a good auditor found it, some bosses made some crap decisions. Who was gang raped? Who was made example of for being a woman? Who was demeaned, belittled and ignored by the media and "the game"? ummm... no-one.
And look, I know there are fans of the Storm who will be rightly pissed off. But c'mon, lead news story for 2 days, the ABC devoting over 5 minutes of national news coverage to the issue, people acting like some huge injustice has been done to the nation (or Victoria, NSW and QLD at least) as a whole. Why do the people of this country not feel as passionately annoyed when we lock children in detention centres, or when a young girl in QLD has no choice but to grow up in a house with a blocked sewage and only occasional running water (just because she is black).
Storm in a teacup. Glad I don't have time to watch the ABC news at the moment if they are devoting 5-minutes to this rubbish. Agree that it would be nice if people were annoyed about issues of greater concern, like the ones you mention and also that this government has completely stalled on effective action on climate change or that they allow logging of old-growth forests in Tasmania and Victoria to continue.