Thursday, May 20, 2010

what would you do with $5.8million

Now, it might be a bit nerdy I know, but I actually don't mind looking into Federal budgets!
When you look past the massive figures that really don't make any sense to me -  you can see where policy really is heading. Fairly simple; if an issue has f***all funding -  mental health in 2010/11 for example -  it is quite clear that when the Government craps on about 'being committed to tackling mental health issues in Australia, having an agenda for change, looking to the future' etc etc it's empty rhetoric because there are no $$ set aside to actually make anything happen. 

My favourite treasure from this recently announced budget... 
$5.8million for 2 staff to go to Afghanistan and stop asylum seekers from coming here to seek protection. 
I shit you not. 
This is not something out of Monty Python -  although I do have some great visuals on 2 Aussie dudes all kitted out making mad dashes over mountain passes a-la-roadrunner, standing on street corners in dusty towns showing locals pictures of Australia's bushfires, snakes and crocodiles -  DONT GO - you think the Taliban is bad...

Honestly, the Rudd Government is sending '2 staff for 2 years to stop asylum seekers at the source' and the total cost is 5.8 million Australian taxpayer dollars. Most of course will go on security (unless those 2 guys are paid around $1.5 million/yr each) -  but that doesn't make sense because why would 2 guys need so much security in a country that is safe and from where people don't need to flee?? (according to the Rudd Government, this is the case and that's why they are not processing the asylum applications of the Afghans on Christmas Island who came after 9 April).  These 2 guys 'stopping the flow of asylum seekers' will no doubt employ local interpreters, fixers and guides -  these locals will be relatively well paid and so will take the job which at the same time puts their life at risk. The whole situation is just so bizarre I can't quite believe someone sitting in Canberra thunk it up and it got past a senior desk, into the budget and out to the public! Not to mention the mathematicians, this year around 1200 Afghans have asked Australia for protection - back when we used to process claims from these people, over 90% were found to be genuine refugees. Do these numbers warrant the spend?

5.8 million dollars - imagine the indigenous housing, the remote health care centre, the refuge for homeless youth, the renewable energy rebates for homes, the dignified care of seniors - allocating the budget is about making choices, its where the Government firmly puts its priorities on paper and this government is choosing to spend our money on 2 guys running around in fatigues having no f***ing impact whatsoever trying to stop people from doing what they can to get their family to a place where they won't be raped, shot or tortured. Nice one Rudd.

This bit is not for everyone I know, but go on.. it won't make you a crazed political activist, just an engaged citizen!
Senate Estimates Committees meet in the next few weeks. Its where we say thank goodness for minor parties and independents, and at times even the opposition -  each committee deals with certain portfolio spending and those Senators not in Government hold the Govt representatives to account on why, how, what. 
I know it's not for everyone but on any issue you can Get in touch with your Senator, it's their job to represent us and we have every right to ask them to be checking on what the hell the Government is up to, its our money they are spending. If they are not on a particular estimates committee, ask them to send your query to their party colleague who is. 

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