Abbott has tried to buy Wilke with a billion dollars. That's from the man who claims to stand for economic stability, not wasting money blah blah blah. Now I am not saying that hospital care in Hobart doesn't need funding. But for ***k's sake, a billion dollars on the table before any costing was done, any health professionals consulted, any thought on non-hospital care around Tasmania... need I go on? Not to harp on it, but one final point - all Abbott would have bought was a number, one closer to 76, not a guarantee that Wilke would support any of his racist, homophobic, fear mongering, climate sceptic policies - doesn't sound like a smart spend of one billion dollars to me...
None of this is to say I love the other dudes, but I am really tired of Abbott and in fact the Coalition, continuing to play irresponsible point scoring games presuming that the voting public will all just stand by and cop it.
(image credit to David Jackmanson, ta for sharing)
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