Monday, June 28, 2010

3 beers - that'll be 2 years

A German soccer fan was given a free blanket at a recent World Cup game in South Africa -  I guess that means its getting cold over there in the evenings. After the game his free blanket and 3 beers he had were allegedly stolen from him by a local man. This man was charged and sentenced that day to 2 years in jail. Yep -  two years in prison, he is 21 years old. 

I am going to presume a few things here - 
  • There are more blankets being given out to wealthy western soccer fans than to South Africans living in poverty
  • The German soccer fan reported the 'crime' to authorities
  • The local man was treated extremely harshly because his 'crime' involved a foreigner and that just won't do with the cameras rolling
We saw it in Beijing, now we see it in South Africa -  when will the world enter these countries, celebrate sport, bring their cash and actually pay attention to what is happening for locals in these places??? South Africa has established 56 special 'World Cup' courts to deal promptly with matters. Government spokespeople say matters will be dealt with as they always are in the country -  I do not think that a local person would have pressed charges over the theft of a free blankets and some beers in plastic cups (again, I have presumed the plastic bit).

I don't want to be negative nancy and I get that there are many benefits from hosting globally watched sporting events and I don't think soccer fans should have to become MSF doctors on their days away from the arena. But I do think the international media, national sporting associations and in some ways, high profile players who want to have an obligation to shed some light on the abuses and realities of the country they are in. Images of gorgeous scenery, exotic animals, laughing children playing soccer in the dirt with no shoes and smiling hospitality staff are being beamed into our lounge rooms but I have not seen little to no reporting on poverty, racism, violence, homelessness... A bit of balance please. The Cup should have a positive lasting effect on the country and its people. 

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Factions, females, fake?

OK, a more personal, possibly not so coherent blog to come i think...

I am still trying to work out how I feel about living in a country with a female PM, a country where factional bullies can over-rule democracy and choose the PM, a country that was on track to electing a chauvinistic man who doesn't believe in climate change... it's a bit to take in.

The gender issue. I have a sense of relief that Australia is a nation where a woman can be PM and I have a bounce to my step as I think of that in an international context and as a message to my son, to my own career and to young girls. But then  as usual, talk back radio filled my brain with dread and fear, today the airwaves crackled and whined with women espousing how it wasn't really a win for feminism because Julia didn't have children... f*** me how can you even reason with women like that. I don't want Julia to be treated any differently because she is a woman (already suggested as a given by some commentators today) and I don't want to hear for the next month about how we have a female PM. What we have is the person most likely to beat Tony Abbott in a looming election, who was put in the job by a bunch of right wing men. I do not question that she is a terrific politician, an intelligent person and as she reminded us about 15 times in as many minutes, "hard working" but I do not have the sense of elation I think I should.

I really hope that Julia is not beholden to the right and doesn't come out with Abbott like policies and comments. Already today's answer on the asylum seeker question was like a step back to Howard, and actually for me brought back different and frightening red haired memories.  Julia said 'she could understand why Australians were fearful at boat arrivals'. This was a real opportunity for her to show leadership, show that Australia may earn some international respect and she could have dispelled a tonne of myths. I know that voters are fearful and that they think the 2,500 people in detention will take their jobs, kill their babies, kick their cats and ban full strength beer but really... Julia knows better and should have said so. If she felt she had to she could have still given a line about security and border protection - not that the issues are even related in actual fact.  

I have respect for every MP, even if I don't agree with their policies, politics is a shit business to be in. Yes, some must enter for ego but most I would say enter to make a difference and stand up for what they believe in and they work really damn hard. Julia must have a seriously good multi vitamin and make up person on hand because I don't think she would have slept last night and she was looking fine and making complete sense today, not sure I would have!

Bring on the sound bites of Abbott saying "Gillard would make a great PM", let's see Tony squirm and sort of kind of just not get it right because he has no concept of how to handle an intelligent and powerful woman. Let's see the lib's remind us of the un-built but paid for school halls, the combusting roof rafters and tell us it's just a new coat. I hope all those who looked like voting Green are not swayed by the 'first female' angle. More than ever we need their checking and balancing. 
Bring on election weekend!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Kev, the party's over

WTF ...
Julia being used by the Right to challenge Kevin. Mark Arbib has alot to answer for. Yes, Australia elected the party not just the man but this is ridiculous.

Julia came from the Left of Labor but if it's Arbib and the right faction that gets her the job of PM she will owe them favours and there will be conditions. We will have the most Right Labor Govt possible!! Yes, it will be slightly better than having Abbott in power but F**K shit sandwich vs shit burger. 

These right faction members should remember that Australians vote for leaders not them. 

I agree that sadly the Australian public seem to be complete idiots and Abbott is looking like a possibility for PM and I agree that the ALP must do all it can to avoid that but this is crap.

I guess the only thing to do now is for voters in every seat to actually do some research and ensure that we get the right out of the ALP - but not to put lib's or nationals in their place!! We need to get more Greens in everywhere to keep the government, whomever that might be, in check. 

I know I should be here standing proud that we may be about to get our first female PM. And yes, there is an element of pride and respect there but not if that female is a puppet to the right. 

And i didn't think Abbott's smirk could get any more smug... just wait for that doorstop tomorrow. So I guess all I can do is say c'mon Julia c'mon.

This is a sad day for Australia and Australian politics and it is fear, narrow mindedness and racism that got us here.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mark your terrritory

I have just come back from the NT, and I will get to all the amazing and amazingly shocking stuff later but one thing I didn't know was that personalised number plates must be super cheap, that or people really, really like them. here's a few of my favourites, there'd be more, but you don't read a lot traveling at 160km/hr!!

There was the dude apparently looking for the NT Police (and they're never that far away) -  DOOBIE

My personal favourite: the fishing 4wd enthusiast (no shortage of those) - WHO RAY

Abode -  i know its the name of a company, but really who wants to send the public a message that their home is a kermit green V8?? 

Then there was the town that said ***k you to feminism, the flashest car parked in the main street with plates reading: 'WIFES'. 

hmmm... it is a big and diverse country this wide brown land.