Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mark your terrritory

I have just come back from the NT, and I will get to all the amazing and amazingly shocking stuff later but one thing I didn't know was that personalised number plates must be super cheap, that or people really, really like them. here's a few of my favourites, there'd be more, but you don't read a lot traveling at 160km/hr!!

There was the dude apparently looking for the NT Police (and they're never that far away) -  DOOBIE

My personal favourite: the fishing 4wd enthusiast (no shortage of those) - WHO RAY

Abode -  i know its the name of a company, but really who wants to send the public a message that their home is a kermit green V8?? 

Then there was the town that said ***k you to feminism, the flashest car parked in the main street with plates reading: 'WIFES'. 

hmmm... it is a big and diverse country this wide brown land.

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