Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Kev, the party's over

WTF ...
Julia being used by the Right to challenge Kevin. Mark Arbib has alot to answer for. Yes, Australia elected the party not just the man but this is ridiculous.

Julia came from the Left of Labor but if it's Arbib and the right faction that gets her the job of PM she will owe them favours and there will be conditions. We will have the most Right Labor Govt possible!! Yes, it will be slightly better than having Abbott in power but F**K shit sandwich vs shit burger. 

These right faction members should remember that Australians vote for leaders not them. 

I agree that sadly the Australian public seem to be complete idiots and Abbott is looking like a possibility for PM and I agree that the ALP must do all it can to avoid that but this is crap.

I guess the only thing to do now is for voters in every seat to actually do some research and ensure that we get the right out of the ALP - but not to put lib's or nationals in their place!! We need to get more Greens in everywhere to keep the government, whomever that might be, in check. 

I know I should be here standing proud that we may be about to get our first female PM. And yes, there is an element of pride and respect there but not if that female is a puppet to the right. 

And i didn't think Abbott's smirk could get any more smug... just wait for that doorstop tomorrow. So I guess all I can do is say c'mon Julia c'mon.

This is a sad day for Australia and Australian politics and it is fear, narrow mindedness and racism that got us here.

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